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5 Minutes
Anzhella Pankratova
Content Author at OpenCV.ai
AI Weekly Insights: ICCV2023 Recap, GPT-4 Reviews, Anthropic Funding

Digest 6 | OpenCV AI Weekly Insights

Here's our weekly roundup of newsworthy developments from the world of computer vision and AI.
October 10, 2023

Welcome to the OpenCV AI Weekly Insights Digest!

Our aim is to keep you up to date with the latest news and developments in the world of Artificial Intelligence. Whether you're an experienced AI enthusiast or just starting to explore the world of AI — our digest is designed to keep you informed and inspired 🔥

How the ICCV2023 conference went

Attending the International Conference on Computer Vision 2023 gave our team an incredible snapshot into the future potentials associated with Artificial Intelligence! It was exciting and valuable to have such a great experience. We presented our latest Computer Vision technologies, from generative data augmentation tool to 3D precise pose tracking, which was available to try in the Dance challenge.

Let's take a look at what it was like:

OpenCV.ai team at the booth. Image Source: ICCV2023

Rewind's Wearable Microphone: Record Your Conversations

Image Source: The Decoder

The Rewind Pendant, an innovative wearable microphone, promises users the ability to record and transcribe their daily conversations. Designed to help users stay present at the moment, the pendant offers an array of potential use cases, from grocery reminders and capturing kids' adorable sayings to automatic to-do list generation and self-insight through voice analysis. The device stores all recordings on the user's smartphone, ensuring data remains private.

Rewind AI, known for its software that records digital device activities, views the pendant as a transition from recording the digital realm to capturing real-world interactions. The Rewind Pendant is available for pre-order at $59, with no official release date announced. With backing from notable investors, including OpenAI's Sam Altman, the company is financially stable, securing funds to operate for the next six years.

Read More: The Decoder Article

Stability.AI Launches LLM Model for Mobiles

Image Source: The Decoder

Stability.AI has introduced the Stable LM 3B, a compact open-source language model designed for portability across various digital devices. With 3 billion parameters, this model is not just optimized for size; it boasts competitive performance, outpacing several models of similar size and even challenging some 7B-parameter models.

A key feature of Stable LM 3B is its efficiency. Requiring fewer resources and with reduced operating costs, it offers an eco-friendlier option by consuming minimal power. Furthermore, it can be adapted for a variety of applications, particularly in creating technology with conversational capabilities. Its improved text generation and rapid execution speed enhance its usability.

The model can be downloaded on the Hugging Face platform.

Read More: Stability.ai Blog

Review Research Papers with AI: Stanford Study

Image Source: Stanford Paper

A recent Stanford study explored the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), specifically GPT-4, in the realm of research paper reviews. The findings were promising, indicating that such models can offer feedback akin to human experts.

Highlights of the Study:

GPT-4 was tested on an extensive dataset comprising over 3,000 papers from the Nature journal and 1,700 from the ICLR conference

Over 30% of the feedback given by the model mirrored comments made by human reviewers, a rate matching the consistency seen between two human reviewers

Among the study participants, 57% found the feedback from GPT-4 beneficial in enhancing their papers, and impressively, 20% felt the AI's review surpassed human feedback

The study adds valuable insight into the ongoing discussion about AI's potential role in the scientific realm. It makes one wonder about the future: Could artificial intelligence conduct research, peer review, and even publication, with humans merely providing direction?

Read More: Stanford Paper

Anthropic looking $2B raise from investors

Image Source: Anthropic

Anthropic, an artificial intelligence company, is in talks to raise $2 billion in funding. This comes after Amazon.com Inc. agreed to invest $4 billion in the company.

Anthropic, founded in 2021 by former OpenAI employees, advocates for responsible and ethical technology. Their chatbot, named Claude, is designed to be a more compassionate version of AI, able to perform various writing tasks such as writing resumes, coding, and answering questions.

This funding round, if successful, will mark another great deal for fundamental modeling startups. Major tech giants are claiming a significant role in the future of AI. For example, Google previously invested $450 million in Anthropic, while Amazon announced not only its financial support but also its role as a major cloud computing provider supplying the necessary chips.

Read More: Yahoo Article

Thanks for joining us in this edition of OpenCV AI Weekly Insights Digest.

So, buckle up and get ready to dive into the AI universe. Stay tuned for more! Your weekly dose of AI knowledge is just a scroll away.

See you in the next edition!

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